Every year when September rolls around, it is always a sweet relief. At the same time I find myself feeling a bit melancholy as yet another summer passes. I have always loved

September. January may be our official New Year marker, but I’ve never been able to shake the feeling that September is truly the time for reflection and reinvention. It's something palpable that I feel every year at this time and I don't have the words to explain. Outside, the sky and water are bluer, the marshes are still as green as can be, and the light changes are subtle but stunning. Warm days, cool nights and mornings.. can you tell I am ready for this?
Coming up Saturday the 14th, the City of Southport is the sponsoring
International Plein Air Worldwide Paint Out, an outdoor

event, to support artists in the area and bring public art to our streets. From 8:30 to 2:30, each artist will create an original painting of Southport’s historic landscape and buildings. The event is free for artists and the public. For more information contact Randy Jones, Director of Tourism,
City of Southport.
Don't forget Friday night the 20th, the
Wilmington Big Band will be performing songs from the Great American Songbook as
Save the Cape presents Jazz at the Cape Fear a fundraiser to benefit their project for a new State Park near Southport formerly the 600 acres of waterfront property along the Cape Fear River being considered for an International shipping terminal. Check out the amazing
Silent Auction entrees!
Down at the old Yacht Basin, the 4th annual
Southport Wooden Boat Show is expected to be bigger and better than ever! The event kicks off at 10am Saturday, September 28th. There will be all shapes and sizes of wooden boats on display plus, nautical arts and crafts, maritime demonstrations, kid's events, and a chowder cook-off, so get your taste buds ready. Contact: Bert Felton – 910.617.9667 Organized by the Southport Wooden Boat Show Committee and sponsored by
Downtown Southport Inc. Here is a nice
video from the
State Port Pilot from last year's boat show.
Peeking over to October, it's that time again! The annual
US Open King Mackerel Tournament kicks off again the 5th-7th. It's the largest king mackerel tournament in North Carolina and the second largest on the East coast! With over $100,000 in prizes, there's plenty at stake, plus live music, food, and beverages, on Saturday at the
Southport Marina. Come watch in the afternoon as the boats bring in their hopeful catch to the weigh-in. Public welcome.
September - It's a time to enjoy, a time to remember sweet summer days… it's the start of the Fall fishing season, and it's time to clean out the backyard fire pit, cause you know this is an "R" month and that means oysters! Yeah baby, bring it on!
On a final note, for all you Safe Haven fans out there, and believe me there are thousands of you ready to pack your bags and move to Southport, hold onto your dreams. With a population of only 2800, we are seeing a steady stream of folks itching to get their little piece of heaven that is Southport. If you want to keep tabs on current homes on the market and get a heads up on new properties as the are listed, just give me a call or shoot me an email. I'd love to help you find something!
southportsoundings@gmail.com 910.540.0551